
Tuesday, September 19, 2006


From the website:

If you want to see an almost textbook example of a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist attempting gnostic self-salvation apart from the Church via endless "research" and "connecting dots" and quack analyses of the Sinister Shadowy Cabals at work in the world, take a look at a site I call Paranoid Conspiracy Central. It's sad to watch, but it's a disturbing picture of how not a few unwitting gnostics are attempting to navigate life with absolute trust only in themselves. It's a road that can only end in darkness, confusion and (if persisted in) ultimate loss. For there is no more certain way to become a pawn of hell's conspiracy than to separate from the Church, or stupider still, regard it as The Conspiracy.

Thank you, Mark. Well, it's no secret that we disagree!

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