
Sunday, August 27, 2006


From a Skeptic website:

Subject: Scientology not the worst sect
From: GSNews
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 20:03:50 -0400

JU warns: Beware of False Prophets

Altoetting, Germany
May 6, 1999
Passauer Neue Presse

New information leaflet on sects and psycho-cults Focus is on the "Opus Angelorum"

by Robert Piffer

Altoetting. The Junge Union [Youth Union] warns of sects and false prophets in two leaflets hot off the press. The reason for the information campaign by the JU was the increased appearance of sects in recent times.

One of the leaflets is concerned with Scientology. It describes its teachings and its "ethics," gives information about the structure of the sect and reveals the companies, magazine, associations and social groups behind which Scientology conceals itself. "Scientology is a constant theme," gave JU district chairman Stephan Mayer as a reason for the re-printing of the leaflet from the Bavarian JU.

Nevertheless, Mayer and the Toeginger JU local chairman Martin Huber both agree that Scientology is not the most pressing problem in the district. It's a different story with the so-called Engelwerk (Opus Angelorum), though. According to what Martin Huber knows, this group is on the advance in the district. He knows several people personally who have been affected. They are from the Burghausen areas, as well as from the western part of the district.

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Michael Dubruiel places Fr. William Wagner, of Opus Angelorum, at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Georgia, 20 years ago. (See post on Tuesday, January 28, 2003):

Work of the Holy Angels

Opus Sanctorum Angelorum - Lay Circular

I met Father Wagner many years ago (over 20) at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Georgia. It is interesting to see that they have a house in Detroit. I wonder if any readers have visited it or are familiar with the work of this community.

posted by Michael at 28.1.03


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