Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Presiding Bishops of the Gnostic Catholic Church of the Holy Grail that I linked below also provide ordination into the Holy Temple Priesthood. To work toward ordination one needs to study via the Wisdom Seminars. A Catalog of seminars can be seen here, including the seminar on "Rosslyn Chapel and Esoteric Freemasonry," and "Fundamentalism: Assault Against Democracy."
Before dismissing this website as just a couple of kooks who are playing church, consider this ecumenical list of independent churches which includes them and includes the SSPX as well. These are small churches. Will they still be insignificant if they become unified? If the progressives in the various Christian denominations join them? If the 70% of Catholic priests who are homosexual join them since most independents welcome all and refuse to judge? If the Masonic Lodges join them?
The Hidden Chapel of Mary Magdalene features a minora in the center. The tenets of Freemasonry have a Jewish base. William H. Kennedy's LUCIFER'S LODGE speaks of the Desposyni in the course of explaining satanic ritual abuse in the Catholic Church.
Benedict XVI is an ecumenist.