
Friday, July 14, 2006


Dear Friends,

The Times Leader is on a roll.

In today's Times Leader, there is an article entitled "Abuse witnesses muzzled?" (http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/15026703.htm) that gives readers a whiff of the sordid cesspool of corruption created by former Bishop James Timlin of the Diocese of Scranton. That cesspool is replete with predator priests, slimy attorneys, and suborned witnesses. After reading the article, be sure to read the email from one diocesan priest to another (http://www.timesleader.com/multimedia/timesleader/KRT_packages/archive/email.pdf), for it reveals very clearly why so few priests are willing to expose their corrupt bishops.

As a result of this email, questions are being raised once again as to why Timlin would not discipline a known homosexual predator priest, Fr. Albert Liberatore. According to three witnesses and the diocesan priest who served under Liberatore, Timlin was unwilling to discipline Liberatore because Liberatore had Timlin in his "hip pocket." In other words, Liberatore has something on Timlin.

These same questions were raised when Timlin tried to protect the homosexual predator priests of the Society of St. John, especially Carlos Urrutigoity and Eric Ensey. The answer that was proposed to me by four separate sources was that Timlin was being blackmailed because he was a homosexual. I therefore sent an open letter to Timlin in which I put to him this question: "Are you, or have you ever been, a practicing homosexual?" (See http://www.saintjustinmartyr.org/news/BishopTimlinsViolationOfTheBishopsCharter.htm.) I asked Timlin for a public response, but he never made one. I think this same question needs to be put to Timlin again and again until the reason for his protection of these perverts is finally revealed.

Whatever Timlin's motive, the Times Leader article makes manifest what many of us have known for a long time: the Diocese of Scranton is rotten to the core, and Timlin is the source of the rot. But until the diocesan files on abusive priests are made public (as they were in Boston), we will never know the depth of the corruption in Scranton.

Pax vobiscum,

Dr. Jeffrey M. Bond

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