
Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Dear Friends,

Fr. Marshall Roberts, one of the founders of the suppressed Society of St. John, has found a new home as chaplain at St. Michael the Archangel in Jacksonville, Florida (http://www.saintmichaelarchangel.com).

In March 2002 I exposed Roberts as one of the homosexual predators of the Society of St. John. (See my original warning at http://www.saintjustinmartyr.org/news/MarshallRoberts[1].html.) As a seminarian at the Institute of Christ the King in Gricigliano, Italy, Roberts was expelled in 1993 by the seminary's then vice-rector, Fr. Patrick Perez. Fr. Perez expelled Roberts for writing explicit love letters to a younger seminarian with whom Roberts was enamoured. The younger seminarian, who did not appreciate Roberts' advances, gave the love letters to Fr. Perez who then saw to it that Roberts was dismissed from the seminary within 24 hours.

Roberts later found a happier home with the Society of St. John where Carlos Urrutigoity and Dominic O'Connor gave Roberts the freedom to pursue a "particular friendship" with a boy who had caught his eye. The object of Roberts' affections this time was a student at St. Gregory's Academy who, upon graduation in 1999, joined the SSJ. Roberts and this boy occupied the same room on the SSJ's property in Shohola. When Roberts later visited the SSJ in France, Roberts was given special permission to spend time alone with this boy in his room after compline.

It should also be noted that Roberts was the first member of the SSJ to write to me in defense of Carlos Urrutigoity when I first exposed Urrutigoity as a homosexual predator who gave "spiritual direction" to boys while sharing a bed with them. Those who attend Mass at St. Michael the Archangel should ask Roberts whether he still believes that Urrutigoity is innocent, and whether Roberts himself is still pursuing boys and younger men.

Pax vobiscum,

Dr. Jeffrey M. Bond

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