Thursday, June 01, 2006
“Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” Spring/Summer 2006 came the other day. In this issue Stephen Brady has come down even harder on the hierarchy than in the last issue. The following are from his editorial concerning the Vatican document on homosexuals and seminarians:
There can be no doubt that the corruption within the Catholic Hierarchy will not come to an end until we have a Pope who will remove bad Bishops and replace them with Faith-filled heterosexual men willing to serve as our Lord intended. Not one more penny to Rome until the Pope takes action.
The following quote comes from the editorial in this issue titled “The Nature of the Beast: The homosexual Hierarchy must protect their own. Their world depends upon it”:
This Hierarchy is corrupt all the way to the top. You must stop exchanging pleasantries with the Bishops as if they are innocent bystanders. They are the sole problem along with the pope who refuses to remove them. You must accept these facts to effectively fight for the Faith.
Do not over analyze the situation. “By their fruits you shall know them,” is the plain and simple approach to take.
I’ve said something similar a few times in Dom’s blog—take them at their word and stop making up excuses for their actions.
Then there is this:
It was Bishop Fulton Sheen who first said that the unrepentant sinner turns to “social justice” to ease his conscience.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheen, no less !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have had little but the social gospel over the last 40 years since Vatican II! It isn’t almsgiving where the bishops fail, it’s theology. As any student of Freemasonry knows, charity is the main Masonic apologetic. And just as with the bishops, the Masons fail to uphold their own religious traditions in the lodges where they are not to speak of religion at all. It is becoming harder to distinguish Catholicism from Freemasonry.
Brady takes Cardinal George to task:
…in my opinion, the most dangerous and damaging pro-sodomite Bishop of all is none other than Cardinal Francis George of Chicago. His presumed orthodoxy and intellectual background sucked in many a Faithful Catholic. RCF has documented many a situation in which his true colors were shown to be those of the “Gay Rainbow.” You will find some of these articles at the back of this newsletter.
After a long section of passages gleaned from the St. Sebastian’s Angels website, Brady says:
The Coverup Continues:
Several Bishops have found ways to appear orthodox while helping to destroy the Church from within. Acting pro-life is but one example. Unfortunately, many Faith-starved Catholics, are eating it up. Praising certain Bishops for occasionally defending the unborn is comparable to praising a mother for giving a slice of bread to one of her starving children. We only have abortion on demand because our Bishops have allowed it.
For a few years now I’ve known that there is as much corruption on the right as there is on the left. It is merely cloaked differently.
And on the back cover:
RCF has compiled a mailing list for a large segment of the Catholic population within the Springfield Diocese. We want to do the same in your diocese.
Through mailings to this list RCF has been able to expose the corruption that exists within the diocese as well as teach and defend the Catholic Faith. Donations are down at almost every parish included in our mailing. Apparently unwilling to defend the Faith himself, Bishop Lucas has not had the courage to challenge RCF. The only thing these Bishops understand is public exposure and lose [sic] of funds. With your help and God willing we will continue until we run them out of town or convert them.
Playing the $ card is the only way that we can get them to listen. It looks as though Brady may have found a way to play it. That should be worth watching and potentially joining. Obviously we aren’t going to get any help from Rome.
Here's a link to the Roman Catholic Faithful website.