
Thursday, June 29, 2006


Maybe I'm way off base, but the latest news about Britney Spears has me chuckling instead of raising my eyebrow. Harpers' has got themselves a sell-out issue, but stop and consider why. Is it nudity that's rattling the cash registers or is it pregnancy that has captivated America's attention?

After looking at the pictures, and looking at some previous pictures of this dame of fame, I find these pregnancy pictures to have more in common with a Raphael than with anything found in Playboy. One could almost be persuaded that Britney has cleaned up her act. Well...I said "almost."

Could it possibly be that after years of celebrating childlessness America has suddenly developed a curiosity about the process of growing babies? It might almost be said that among the purchasers of trendy "Harpers' Bazaar" this is something of an adventure into the unknown. After all, those women who are familiar with the contours of a pregnant body probably don't have the spare change to look at one in a slick and glossy publication...or for that matter have the time.



Is that link to Juice News Daily's pictures of Harper's Britney working? I was able to open it and print it, but then was not able to get back to it.

If it doesn't work, you can at least see the cover shot.

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