
Thursday, May 11, 2006


There is an unexpected article in one UFO website that I visited the other day.

The website, itself, is typical of the ufologists but with a twist. It also includes the ouroboros on the website and offers a book about "The Secret Chronicles of Mars", promising to reveal the "great cosmic Clock embodied in the ouroboros, the "gods" that ruled before Adam, and the modern alchemists of NASA. The book is authored by David E. Flynn. Down at the bottom is one of those greys that keep popping up in Aleister Crowley websites, and in the skulls said to have been unearthed beneath the Vatican library.

But there is something else in this one that a Catholic in particular would be interested in.

What do you do if the message from Fatima inhibits your agenda? Well, if you are the "watcher" as the URL of this website seems to indicate, you morph the apparition into a UFO event.

Any true Christian would tell you that the "divine beings" sighted in modern apparitions like Fatima, Bayside, Medjagorge (sic), Georgia etc. (sic) are NOT the Biblical Mary but some creature impersonating her for a deceptive religious agenda. Christians do not believe in Marian apparitions, only Catholics do.

And you know, Catholics are not Christian. Oh...you mean they are Christian? Well, someone should have told the watcher.

In any case, I see that he doesn't mention La Salette, Lourdes, Akita, or any of the other approved apparitions. No, he dredges up the disapproved apparitions and lumps Fatima with them. Not much of a testimony to the credibility of his book, I'd say.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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