
Monday, April 17, 2006


is my favorite Easter hymn. In fact I like it so well that I pick the Mass for Easter by deciding where I'd have the best chance of hearing it. Unfortunately the only recording of it online that I can find offers just the first verse.

Here are the lyrics in any case:

Roll Away The Stone

They have been saying all our plans are empty.
They have been saying "Where is their God now?"
Roll away the stone see the Glory of God. Roll away the stone.

They have been saying no one will remember.
They have been saying Power rules the world.
Roll away the stone see the Glory of God. Roll away the stone.

They have been saying no one hears the singing.
They have been saying all our strength is gone.
Roll away the stone see the Glory of God. Roll away the stone.

They have been saying "All of us are dying."
They have been saying "All of us are dead."
Roll away the stone see the Glory of God. Roll away the stone.


Yesterday was a good Easter. The choir sang it at the noon Mass, and they also sang the Hallelujah Chorus after Mass was over.

Now if only I didn't know that my favorite Easter hymn was included in Cardinal Mahony's pagan liturgy at the LA Religious Education Conference.


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