
Saturday, April 22, 2006


You may have heard about the murder in Oklahoma of Jamie Rose Bolin, age 10, by her neighbor Kevin Underwood. If not, here's the AP story in AOL News.

It seems that Underwood may have been a member of the Church of the SubGenius if blogs can be believed. At any rate, Robert Duncan seems to think there is some association. In speaking of Underwood's interests, he writes:

For example, there are a lot of gamer links, but there is [sic] also other items, like "The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement", or the "Dictionary of the Gods" (Dictionary of gods, monsters, and other entities within the SubGenius "Mythos.") as well as plenty of sites that poke fun at Christianity.

Steve Huff, of crimelibrary.com, also notes his postings in alt.slack, a SubGenius/Discordian discussion group, and his chatting about the Church of the SubGenius.

"Do what you will" can be a dangerous philosophy in the hands of the wrong person.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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