
Thursday, April 20, 2006


You know, this one. I'm sure you've heard of them.

I bet you haven't heard of this one, though:

AGLO (ah-gee-loh) In Thy, In Your 85

That second one comes from the Enochian Dictionary. There is an Enochian alphabet, too.

Of course not all Enochian dictionaries include AGLO.

There is an Enochian dictionary for sale at Amazon. Lon Milo DuQuette wrote the Foreword. You remember him. Don't let that sweet little angel on the cover of the book fool you.

Wikipedia explains what Enochian is:

Enochian is an occult language popularised by John Dee and Edward Kelley in the 16th century. Dee and Kelley claimed that it was revealed to them by angels, though most contemporary practitioners of magick consider it a constructed language. The name "Enochian" is a reference to the Book of Enoch, a pseudepigraphal text and a major source of Judeo-Christian angelology.

There's more at the website if you want it.

There are angels, and then there are angels, of course.

Enochian turns up at a website on the black mass.

- In the prayers, Satan is invoked and honored, and Jesus Christ is cursed... and that's not jut a symbol!... 19 prayers are recited in "enochian language", a kind of old Arabic not spoken by anyone, and some of them end with this English translation: "Be friendly unto me, for I am the same!- the true worshiper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell".

Homosexuality turns up there as well:

Satanism in the "Catholic Church"?:

Satan attacks the Church from "without" (1 Peter), and from "within" (2 Peter). There is a kind of Satanism when someone proclaims in the Church:
- The Bible is "not" the word of God.
- A person called "Satan" does not exist.
- We do not have to accept the teachings of the Church or the Pope on matters of faith and morals
- Christ did not resurrected physically.
- Jesus in not really present in the Eucharist.
- Fornication, adultery, abortion, homosexual relations, masturbation is not always wrong.
- If you have a "mortal sin", you do not have to confess before receiving the Holy Eucharist.

... These "Satanic doctrines" are taught in some Catholic seminaries, universities, work-shops, and have found the way in some textbooks and pulpits.

Well, you can form your own opinion about the credibility of the website.

Then there is the Order of Melchizedek The Holy Priesthood Chavurat Bekorot, a cyber-church of sorts, that offers the "Enochian Order Temple Lectures" Alpha Omega. The first lecture seems to be "From Anarchism to the Trusting Bride." Chaos magick? The following comes from the website:

As you look around at the spiritual condition of the West one is at once struck by the possibility that our culture has become one giant psychiatric clinic. So destructive has the modern mindset become that people have lost not only their identity but their genders too. For part of the anarchistic revolution has been the so-called 'equalisation' of the sexes and radical sexual inversion leading to the birth a new unisexual man and woman. Its ultimate end is a form of mass homosexuality and lesbianism. What is left of heterosexuality, itself in a pathological condition, is now an almost irreparably damaged relic of a distant paradisaical past which we remember as the Garden of Eden.

I do believe they are talking about the occult alchemical wedding there. (WARNING: those pictures are pornographic.)

Now does all of this mean anything? Oh, probably not. It's just that I can never resist connecting the dots.

But then again, it does sort of get AGLO...er, "in thy"...ummm..."in your" face, doesn't it?

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