Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Ok, I got the link from Novus Ordo Watch, so you know it's going to be peculiar. I should have paid attention in German class so I would be able to read the website, but alas...
Here is the webpage Novus Ordo Watch linked. What is he doing? Our Father Calisthenics? Monk of the Dance? Father Fatburner?
Whatever it was, he seems to have survived it and gone on to what appears to be a tea ceremony with his friends. Does this have a purpose--nevermind a "Catholic" purpose? A tea cup would have been nice instead of that bowl thingy they all seem to be sharing.
Then there is the---ahhhh---well whatever it is, there's a used hypodermic needle involved.
Dolphins? But wait, scroll down a ways and get a look at the legs! And is that blood along with the mess? What IS this monk up to, and is he Catholic?
It gets weirder and weirder. This woman with the legs is definitely addicted to something. He seems to be making a comparison between her situation and Christ crucified. I'm not buying it. Not for a moment. Christ didn't crucify Himself. This is sick.
Templi. Scroll down for the yin-yang symbol and what looks like chakra blessing. And what's with that green eye--"Third Eye"?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!