
Saturday, March 18, 2006


Video surveillance has become the fastest-growing industry within the major categories of electronic security—with nearly one in four major cities in America investing in new technology, analysts say. It has more than doubled in the last five years, becoming an estimated $9.2 billion business in 2005 and expected to grow to $21 billion by 2010, says Joe Freeman, a columnist for Security Technology & Design Magazine and founder and president of J.P. Freeman, a market research and consulting firm. "What we have is a huge industry that is attracting competitors from everywhere," says Freeman. "In this world of constant threat, it's almost impossible to predict what might happen ... But the one overarching thing that we know is that security, which used to be a quietly growing industry, is now an international attention of the first order."

I suppose that if we can't enjoy any measure of privacy once we step out our front door, there may be some comfort in knowing that it will take many warehouses to store all of this tape if it is all kept, and that may still provide a certain measure of anonymity.

But I can still remember the days when it wasn't necessary to lock the house when you went to town for groceries. When the garage didn't even have a lock on it in spite of the fact that it was easier back then to steal a car than it is today since there weren't any alarms on the cars. Back then we didn't think twice about leaving the garage door open. It all changed in the 60s when the moral underpinnings of our culture were challenged.

Today instead of honesty we have video cameras.

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