Monday, March 27, 2006
If this is what the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association website presents as quality teaching, why would any parent let them near their kids?
Joanna Manning thanked OECTA for providing a zone of freedom within the Catholic community where adults can hear and speak about issues that are important to them.
The phenomenal success of Dan Brown's novel, The Da Vinci Code, may be attributable to the fact that it raises hope for the future, Author Joanna Manning, a retired OECTA member told OECTA's Human Rights Caucus on Friday evening.
The idea that Mary of Magdala was the chosen companion – possibly even the successor to Jesus – is based on accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus brought to light in ancient texts that were discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945, Manning said.
The ancient texts show that Mary Magdalene, “played a key role as the close companion of Jesus and leader, visionary and healer within the mixed group of men and women who were his closest associates,” Manning said. But this “mutual leadership of women and men declined when the Roman church, that emphasized a patriarchal family structure emerged as the triumphant seat of western orthodoxy.”
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Blogger credit to Spirit Daily.