Thursday, February 02, 2006
J. R. Dunn at The American Thinker reviews Rod Dreher's and Mark Gauvreau Judge's upcoming books on retro-conservatism, offering this "profound" comment in the process:
The politics of exclusion has no place in our thought and practice. Long may that continue. (Another annoying point is that both writers appeal to Catholic thinkers to back their theses, Dietrich von Hildebrand in Judge’s case, Peter Kreeft in Dreher’s. It’s clear to this bad Catholic that the actual teachings of the Christ who walked with publicans and sinners have been lost sight of somewhere along the line.)
Can we speculate that "this bad Catholic" just might be lapsed?
In any case, if you're interested, here is Dreher's book:
MR. & MRS. CRUNCHY by Dreher
Judge's RIGHT WINGTIPS is not yet available at Barnes and Noble, but his previous books are.