Wednesday, February 22, 2006
are growing. WCC general secretary Samuel Kobia believes this will not be good for the spread of Christian faith, indicating that
"It has no depth, in most cases, theologically speaking, and has no appeal for any commitment," the Kenyan Methodist said at the WCC world assembly in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre.
"It's a church being organised on corporate logic. That can be quite dangerous if we are not very careful, because this may become a Christianity which I describe as two miles long and one inch deep."
He seems to believe that ties to mainline churches offers a greater opportunity to develop a depth of faith. The two he sites are Anglican and Luthern, making it difficult to agree with him considering the situation in the Episcopalian Church. If in his mind there is a distinction between Anglican and Episcopalian, he doesn't make it in the article.
Both of these churches offer a liturgy, and both are derived from the Roman Catholic liturgy. It would be interesting to ask him if he thinks it is the liturgy that is the distinguishing characteristic; and if it is, why did he leave out the Catholics and the Orthodox?
I suppose, though, considering that he is Methodist, that Catholics and Orthodox are beyond the pale.