Wednesday, February 15, 2006
DePaul has a Catholic Studies program that looks Catholic, which is what one would expect at the largest Catholic university in the U.S. Any parent looking at that list of courses would think this place is orthodox. But what you see there is not always what you're apt to get at DePaul.
John Dominic Crossan, known as one of the founders of the Jesus Seminar, is Professor (Emeritus) of Religion Studies at DePaul. He delivered an address for the Jewish Studies Lecture Series at The University of Kansas titled "The Execution of Jesus and American Christianity" while he was "Theologian in Residence 2004".
A reviewer of Lon Milo DuQuette's book, THE MAGICK OF THELEMA, at the Amazon website indicates he had his copy of the book signed by the author "when he spoke at DePaul University." I doubt the Grand Master of the O.T.O. delivered a Catholic address.
I've already covered the activities of Jason Winslade, DePaul faculty member, who was a speaker at the Starwood Festival XXV, and his participation in the Slayage Conference. At the Slayage, Number 1 website, Winslade presents "Teen Witches, Wiccans, and 'Wanna-Blessed-Be's': Pop-Culture Magic in Buffy the Vampire Slayer" where he cites colleague and fellow faculty member at DePaul, author Patricia Monaghan.
A News Release from DePaul lists Patricia Monaghan as an SNL professor and conference organizer. She is considered by DePaul to be an expert on "Women - Feminism".
SNL is the School for New Learning. Monaghan's bio. is in the SNL website as is the bio. for Bro. Wayne Teasdale, but that's another story. Monaghan's bio indicates she is a "SNL Resident Faculty" member, that "She did her doctoral work on the intersection of quantum theory and poetics." and that she is "An Award-winning fiction writer". The bio talks about her "new book on the mythology of gardens."
She has some other books that the bio doesn't mention, perhaps because Catholic parents looking over the DePaul faculty might not appreciate seeing what she dabbles in. Pagan Presence, Inc. offers her book SEASONS OF THE WITCH, POETRY AND SONGS TO THE GODDESS. Pentacle Press offers her book THE GODDESS PATH: MYTHS, INVOCATIONS, AND RITUALS.
ACE offers her books as well. ACE produces the Starwood Festival where she has been on the program in 2005.
She was on the program in 2001 as well, where her topic was "Getting Published." Apparently it doesn't hurt to be a goddess promoter teaching at a Catholic University if you want to get published.
Why is there a woman who writes about goddess religion and takes part in Pagan, clothing-optional festivals teaching at a Catholic University in Chicago? Is Cardinal George too powerless to stop this? Is he too cowardly to stop it? Is he cooperating with it?
This Catholic in the pew went to sleep seething with anger yet again yesterday, knowing that the faith is being misrepresented with no consequences by a Catholic university that for all intents and purposes appears to offer the opposite of Catholicism. DePaul University is guilty of false advertising when they claim to be Catholic while having such professors as Winslade and Monaghan on their faculty. Yet apparently our shepherds couldn't care less. Perhaps they see nothing wrong with promoters of witchcraft at a Catholic institution. I find this simply outrageous. Why don't they?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!