Thursday, January 12, 2006
If the PTB in Rome are set on inventing a new faith, they should have the honesty to be up front about it. This trickle of shockers is undermining all of our doctrine. The obvious question after reading the following article is, "Ok, what next are you going to dump?"
JUDAS ISCARIOT, the disciple who betrayed Jesus with a kiss, is to be given a makeover by Vatican scholars.
The proposed “rehabilitation” of the man who was paid 30 pieces of silver to identify Jesus to Roman soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane, comes on the ground that he was not deliberately evil, but was just “fulfilling his part in God’s plan”.
Christians have traditionally blamed Judas for aiding and abetting the Crucifixion, and his name is synonymous with treachery. According to St Luke, Judas was “possessed by Satan”.
Now, a campaign led by Monsignor Walter Brandmuller, head of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Science, is aimed at persuading believers to look kindly at a man reviled for 2,000 years.
Mgr Brandmuller told fellow scholars it was time for a “re-reading” of the Judas story. He is supported by Vittorio Messori, a prominent Catholic writer close to both Pope Benedict XVI and the late John Paul II.
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There is one telling passage:
Father Allen Morris, Christian Life and Worship secretary for the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales, said: “If Christ died for all — is it possible that Judas too was redeemed through the Master he betrayed?” The “rehabilitation” of Judas could help the Pope’s drive to improve Christian-Jewish relations, which he has made a priority of his pontificate.
Where is the impetus coming from to placate Judaism at every possible turn? Christ, Himself, afterall, is a contradiction to the Jews. Will we ultimately have to abandon Him to satisfy the need for better human relationships with the Jewish religion?
If not even Judas could escape this "redemption," there is no hope that free will could be part of our doctrine. We are all headed for heaven and hell is empty. Where the devil is hanging out is anybody's guess.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Blogger credit to New Oxford Review.
The London Times offers the logical course opened by this revision in another article about the rehabilitation of Judas:
Still, any improvement in his status could provide some hope to others in the Good Book who were not treated sympathetically. Cain’s unusual family history might be cited in his favour. The discrimination that Goliath faced as a man who attracted unwanted attention for his exceptional height has to be considered. Herod’s fear of being usurped is the material with which popular psychologists are too familiar. The Devil might try to use the “a necessary evil” clause to his advantage. At that point, belated forgiveness and hip rebranding must really meet its limits.
The motivation for this reinvention appears to be coming from yet another dug up document:
By next spring, a Coptic-language Gospel of Judas is scheduled to be published by Rodolphe Kasser of the University of Geneva, in cooperation with the National Geographic Society.
According to The Christian Century, the text has been authenticated as having been written in Greek in the second century AD. No one is saying much about what's in the text, but one scholar who saw part of it said the story appears to justify what Judas did as carrying out God's preordained plan for salvation.
Without Judas, another scholar said, you'd have Jesus dying of old age. Not nearly as dramatic an ending to the story.
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