
Saturday, January 14, 2006


The Root and Branch Association, Ltd. offers an answer to a question on the Noachide Laws and the Catholic Church. The following is a part of that answer:

The Chief Rabbi of Rome was disconcerted when the Pope turned round from his embraces and met with and physically embraced the murderer and arch-terrorist Abdul Rauf el-Codbi el-Hussein ("Yasser Arafat"). This act gave el-Husseini an unwonted legitimacy in sovereignty terms while his terrorist P.L.O. organization was still at war with Israel. The Rome Jewish community suspended relations with the Catholic Church at that point. The Jewish community only agreed to a resumption of relations if the Pope would come to Shabbat services (he did: by car) and sit in the congregation in honor of them.

Even after this relations are still poor. What else is to be expected? The Chief Rabbi of Rome is an exponent of the Noachide Law, as are all his predecessors and colleagues everywhere in the world. Nothing can change this knowledge or its source in Mosaic prophecy.

Shana Tova from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Yirmiyahu Bindman

P.S. I am not an "enemy of peace", nor illiberal. The Pope, for example, says that the death penalty is cruel, but this is a false mercy. The A-mighty says different, through Moses, for all humanity, and what more can anyone want?

The website describes the Noah Institute this way:

The Noah Institute of the Root & Branch Association promotes the study and practice of the Noahide Covenant and Laws.
Mr. Yehoshua Friedman is the Founder of the Noah Institute, and one of the co-founders of Kochav HaShachar, a Jewish community located in the foothills overlooking Jericho in Liberated Samaria.

Don't overlook that rainbow on the website behind the words "Noah Institute."

Would Mr. Friedman's organization be part of the West Bank group that desires to secede from Israel according to this WorldNewDaily article?

If they proceed with their plans, severing their ties with Israel, and thus with the protection of the Israeli army, won't the PLO smash them like a bug on the windshield?

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