Saturday, January 14, 2006
You wouldn't believe me if I told you it was there, so you'll have to go see for yourself.
First this webpage. Scroll down to the bottom of the website and look at the last two links on the left.
This is one of the links.
This is the other one.
You might want to read through this page in the website as well. This Jewish movement wants not only to make it illegal to celebrate Christmas, they also want to make it illegal to celebrate other holidays as well:
Noachides may not observe any religious holidays outside the rabbinical traditions of Torah -- most especially including such Christian holidays as X-mas, Easter, Halloween, All Saint's Day, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, and probably even the "new year" (January 1st). Alien religious holidays are forbidden even under the minimum of the Noachide code; these are violations of the commandment against idolatry.
The seven Noahide Laws turn into 66 laws when they are explained:
The Law contains two parallel (but separate) paths for the world: 613 commandments for the Jews, and 66 commandments (contained in the 7 Noachide Laws) for gentiles. Once a Noachide is committed to keeping the 66 mitzvos, he may (and really should) take on the responsibility for additional mitzvos, with certain clear exceptions: Non-Jews may not observe Shabbos (or holidays) in the manner of Jews (by avoiding the 39 categories of work), nor may non-Jews put on tefillin or tzitzis, put up a mezuzah, or be called up for a public Torah reading in a synagogue. There are other restrictions as well, including certain limitations on Torah study (depending partly on individual circumstances).
And they intend to enforce the laws via their own courts:
To prepare the way for establishing proper Noachide courts of law, Noachides must make a special effort--beyond all other Torah studies--to learn, in detail, the exact requirements of every part of the Noachide code.
How large is this movement?
Why would the USCCB be lending the Noahide Laws their approval?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!