
Saturday, January 07, 2006


Meet Spin Doctor 2006, Alan AtKisson, new "International Transition Director" of the Earth Charter Initiative.
AtKisson, who consults, sings, writes and blogs, is the emerging shill for the likes of Earth Charter originators Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev.
Writing to the world on New Year’s Day 2006, AtKisson informed the masses of his arrival on the international stage.
"Last year, my firm was asked to perform a strategic review of the Earth Charter Initiative, and to make recommendations for the next five years. We did not know much about the Charter when we started…and to make a long story very short, at the end of that process, I was invited to change hats from consultant to CEO. This was both a surprise and a "challenging honor"…and I surprised myself by accepting."
During the review process, says AtKissson, he had "changed from an Earth Charter skeptic to a fan, based on both the people and work we found happening around the world, and nudged a bit by watching what happened in New Orleans."

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