
Friday, December 16, 2005


Consider the following quote - does it reflect a desire for holiness?

Are these Catholic sentiments? Are they the sentiments of Communio and Opus Dei? That question is not rhetorical. I'm searching for answers and understanding here.

After you've had time to think about it, and hopefully comment, I'll post the source.

"And thus it is, before the Divine sign of the Cross and the sacred sign of the Mystical Rose, that we shall start for the spiritual conquest of the world; we shall be the vanguard of the celestial armies which will themselves precede the returning of the living Christ. We shall prepare His Kingdom and we shall be able to say: "O Lord, you may come: Your Kingdom is waiting for you"!

"In the meantime, in the secrecy of our temples, like unto the early Christians in the catacombs, we shall continue our highly mystical and sacred work of illumination, spiritual uplifting and sanctification.

"We carry on this sublime Tradition of the Christian magic, and with the help of the Invisible powers of Light, delving deeper and deeper into the wonderful secrets which we have inherited from the great Masters of Illumination of ancient times who have preceded us on the way of Initiation, of the Sublime Path of Christ, towards the effulgent Light of the Holy Spirit. We shall spread on the world their forgotten teachings, and because the world, yielding to the Forces of Darkness and lost in the abyss of materialism and selfishness, has turned aside from the Holy Scriptures of which it recognizes no more the light and the power, we shall bring to a selected few the invisible strenghts and the transcendent understanding of their Mysteries.

"Before God we pledge ourselves to realize this plan of action and to realize it without delay, for there is urgency and we must hurry. The time of great tribulations announced in the Revelation is that in which we are now living. The Lamb has already opened the first three seals. The day is now close by when we shall stand before the throne of the Lamb in our white robes, and the Angel will mark us on the forehead like unto God's other servants and because we shall have accomplished on earth the Will of the Father, this ineffable will which he reveals only to saints and to Magi, we shall rule with Christ during the Profound Peace era which St.John's Revelation promised the world."

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