
Tuesday, December 20, 2005


A trip to the mall and the grocery store to buy myself a Christmas present and get the Christmas ham has not been sufficient to dispell the cloying annoyance yesterday's debate generated. The cashier who said Merry Christmas instead of the politically correct Happy Holidays was not sufficient. And I suspect that the scotch and water I'm currently sipping will not be sufficient either.

For 2 cents I'd sweep all the Christmas decorations into the trash can...I'm that angry.

The argument given to defend the current teaching claims that a pope can rewrite the faith. The part of the faith being rewritten here is the very definition of who Jesus Christ--who the Trinity--is...the very heart and soul of Catholicism. We are not talking about discipline here. We are not talking doctrine. We are talking dogma.

Would those who defend this teaching also defend a pope who proposed that there is a fourth person of the Trinity named Sophia? From what I can see in the way of outrageous apology, I think they would. Prepare yourself for the new teaching of Co-Redemtrix. It's coming. You can find its advent in the occult websites. If the rest can be embraced, this will be no problem either.

So, today out goes the nature of the Trinity, of Christ and the Church He founded. Tomorrow we can incorporate a goddess. If a pope does it, there will be no arguing with those who aren't willing to read and think.

This Protestant Catholic is not buying it. Not for a moment.

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