
Thursday, December 29, 2005


Wikipedia describes it and includes a picture of B-16 wearing one. Below his picture other popes can be seen wearing them as well. Click the pictures for an enlarged version.

John XXIII wearing one--smaller, shaplier, with less ermine and more visible seams.

One with almost no ermine.

Pope Paul V wearing one. Very little visible ermine, and his ears show. The cap fits very close to his head.

As Amy put it, too much ermine, and I would add, too little ear.

Call it what you like, Benedict's is less a camauro than an adulterated Santa hat. It looks like he has enough leftover room to carry a pet kitten around up there.

Send the tailor to design school! Did he learn his trade in a feedsack factory? A pope should not look comical.

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