Wednesday, November 23, 2005
is the title of an article by Michael McGrade which appeared in the April 2004 issue of "Christian Order." The article contains a summary of what is usually referred to as "conspiracy theory" by those who would have the truth covered up.
There is a segment on Theosophy/Blavatsky which reveals:
Adolph Hitler, Margaret Sanger, William Stead, Thomas Edison, Conan Doyle and many others read her books avidly and embraced her diabolic philosophy. Ostensibly,The Secret Doctrine synthesized Christian, Jewish and Islamic mysticism with the Eastern teachings of Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism, showing their common roots and comparing their sacred texts. In fact, it espouses pure evil.
Why is the Roman Catholic Church also trying to synthesize Christian, Jewish and Islamic mysticism with the Eastern teachings of Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism via the efforts of Basil Pennington, Wayne Teasdale, Thomas Keating, centering prayer, Contemplative Outreach, and Monastic Interreligious Dialogue?
Blavatsky was into channeling. Her ideas came from that source.
There is a segment on Bohemian Grove where you can read the ceremony to the owl god which the author indicates is a revival of human sacrifice to the god Moloch. McGrade quotes British journalist Alex Jones in describing the details which are hairaising.
Among those details are pedophilia and sodomy and ritual murder, and the "children from Omaha and its surroundings [who] were flown from city to city, to be abused at parties." Were any of our clergy or bishops present at any of the parties, one wonders?
Maurice Strong's compound in Crestone, Colorado is called "an international community of spiritualists" which will ultimately support a "one-world religion to substitute for Christianity". Why then, is one of the monasteries located there Carmelite?
The article talks about Freemasonry and the papal cries against it. It quotes Manly P. Hall:
When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands...
In closing McGrade tells us "The war is now!", and indicates one of the defense mechanisms used by the opposition:
The combat is relentless and the odds overwhelming. Moreover, the Lodge is always diverting attention away from its influence, often playing the Semitic card to conceal its agenda.
He closes with a quote from Mel Gibson:
"Imagine: There's a huge war raging, and it's over us! This is the weird thing. For some reason, we're important in this thing. I don't understand it. We're idiots and failures and creeps. But we're called to the divine, we're called to be better than our nature would have us be.
And those big realms that are warring and battling are going to manifest themselves very clearly, seemingly without reason, here, a realm that we can see. And you stick your head up and you get knocked."
To that McGrade appends:
Thre could be no better positive and uplifting note on which to conclude. Because although "knocked" from pillar to post and against all the odds, Mel Gibson vanquished his seemingly omnipotent anti-Christian foes in the media-entertainment industry, the Zionist lobby, academia and within the Church itself. Armed with Catholic truth, fortified by prayer and daily reception of the sacraments and entrusting his project to the protection of Our Lady through the Rosary, he stuck his head above the parapet and with faith, hope and charity faced down the enemy and emerged triumphant!
Which only goes to prove that if the struggle is enduring, so is the blueprint for success. ...
To emulate Mel's triumph in our own personal and corporate battles with Satan, his demonic minions and mortal agents, we must follow his militant lead in living out those abiding requisites for victory.
Let us pray always for this grace through the infinite merits of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who came "to destroy the works of the devil," Who lives and reigns, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!