
Thursday, November 17, 2005


Alice Bailey's spook, Djwhal Khul, has gotten his message planted at the heart of Catholic spirituality in a number of places.

The Foundation for Human Development President and CEO, Sr. Paul D'Ornellas, trained in counselling in England, Ireland and the U.S.A. Psychosynthesis is one of her four major influences. The Foundation offers Contemplative Prayer and Movement workshops and Centering Prayer taught by Contemplative Outreach.

Renewal for Ministry at All Hallows College offers a fall program that includes:

The Incredibility of Christian Faith; Fundamental Themes in Moral Life; Scripture for Life; Spirituality and Literature; Celtic Roots; Liturgy and Cathechesis; Prayer; Social Analysis and Integrity of the Earth; Psychosynthesis – a way of perceiving life; Understanding Love; Ministerial Identity; World Religions; Inner Journey; IT Skills; Technology & Ministry; Aesthetics & Spirituality. (Modules may vary)

Incredibly, Assagioli's psychosynthesis seems to be paried with Ignatian Spirituality in several places.

On the Diocese of Edinburg Retreats website a program for clergy and licensed lay ministers led by Rev. Andrew Walker, the retreat leader, is director of the London Centre for Spirituality and co-director of the Ignatian Spirituality Programme and rector of St. Mary Woolnoth in London. He is also a Psychosynthesis counsellor, trainer and supervisor. The theme for his retreat is "Becoming Whom We Contemplate". Since we contemplate God, what is he telling the Edinburg clergy??

Julian Maddock's CV lists courses in Ignatian Spirituality and Essentials of Psychosynthesis, as well as a couple of sessions with Richard Rohr. He is a "Trainer on the 3rd Year of Ignatian Spirituality Course, London. He is also a Verger at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, London, and has been connected with Creation Spirituality. I can't tell if he is Catholic or Anglican.

Walworth Cenacle offers Sisters Kathleen Lyons and Kathleen Hopkins who are Psychosynthesis therapists in private practice. They teach an Ignatian Spirituality Course.

The Psychosynthesis & Education Trust offers The Enneagram Workshop with Trainer Kathleen Lyons, a registered psychosynthesis psychotherapist and a trainer at the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust. She has a private practice and is Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Course and a member of the Cenacle Congregation in London.

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