Thursday, October 13, 2005
Taize services are offered by the Benedictines. They also offer a Mandala Retreat and a Labyrinth Retreat, plus centering prayer. I see that they are calling themselves "Sisters of Benedict" these days instead of "Sisters of St. Benedict."
The Benedictines' Holy Trinity Monastery offers Taize prayer on Friday night.
There are very many more Benedictines, both Catholic and Episcopalians, offering Taize prayer. There's really no point in linking to them here. If you want to look at them, Google Taize and Benedictines and you'll get your fill.
Taize with the Jesuits in Canada.
The Franciscans (these happen to be Anglican) like Taize.
So do the Independent Catholic Franciscans. Do go to their website and scroll down through their links. It's an education. Note down there on the bottom what they have to say about John Kerry.
The Franciscans of the United Ecumenical Catholic Church are praying for Brother Roger and have a Taize cross on their website. They prayed for those attending World Youth Day as well.
In fact, if you search the web for the various orders websites, you will find that Taize has caught on everywhere, and it is bound up with the centering prayer movement, with the meditation/contemplation fad, and with the enneagram.
Houston Contemplative is a good example of what I'm talking about. Look at the links there. Another page in the website lists the churches where Houston Contemplative holds workshops. Several of them are Catholic., the organization (or whatever they call it) formed by the same priests who are in the leadership positions at Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, link Houston Contemplative. Click the "Houston" link under "Texas". You will get this webpage (which is new, incidentally). The address there is 2211 Norfolk, Houston, TX. The Centering Prayer website lists the same address. The "Mysticism" page in the Houston Contemplative website indicates at the bottom that the Diocese of Texas clergy can get credits for attending this.
Why is the Diocese associated with this considering what Fr. Pacwa wrote about the enneagram coming from a channeled entity named "Metatron", and considering what this article from "This Rock" has to say about centering prayer? Are we talking prelest entrenched at the diocesan level? Could this shed any light on why bishops have allowed sexual abusers to be shifted from parish to parish? Inquiring Catholics want to know.
And a further question...Why is Benedict promoting Taize when the practice is this questionable?
What the bleep is going on here??
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!