Friday, October 21, 2005
A Blog Observer, whom I presume is an old poster with a new name, has expressed his disdain for the Church as a response to the material I've been blogging, but the rest of you haven't said much.
Is this stuff with Gurdjieff and the monks old news that I'm just now stumbling onto and everyone else has known about for years, or does this actually interest someone else besides me?
Do you think Benedict knows about all of this? If he knows, is he in agreement with it? If he doesn't know, how does one inform him, or isn't that really an option unless the Boston Globe wants to do it?
Personally I'm appalled that Catholic journalism seems to be ignoring what is surely the second elephant in the livingroom. Is there some sort of code of silence that I've had the audacity to break here? What seems like a story that runs a close second to the sexual abuse scandal gets about as much attention as last year's Thanksgiving dinner. Not only did the bishops not defend the laity's children, they also failed to defend the laity's faith from those who are embracing heresy with open arms. Have any warnings been given?
Fr. Pacwa exposed the errors of the enneagram. Did his story make the headlines? Or did it land on the back pages of wherever he published it? Are the stories about the errors in centering prayer getting the attention they deserve? Is anyone trying to stop these monks from walking the faithful out of the Church?
Maybe the problem is that no journalist can determine what is solid ground here. If a Catholic publication exposes these questionable practices, and the Pope subsequently supports the practices, what happens to the publication? So journalists with a paycheck to defend have their fingers in the air waiting to determine which way the wind is blowing, and so far there is no way to tell? Is that what's wrong? Is that why this is being ignored? Or is it that I'm just the last person getting on the train and all the good seats were taken ten stops ago?
The silence is driving me nuts, frankly. Would somebody besides A Blog Observer please say something! I'm almost ready to welcome a diatribe from Mark Shea!!