
Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I must have some brain cells out of place. Either that or I'm sleeping and this is a bad dream. Because in today's snail mail was a mass mailing from the Diocese of Cleveland, Legacy of Hope Jubilee Foundation, presenting me with an opportunity that could only come from someone in outer space. You know...where there are no newspapers and no internet.

It seems that in the midst of a continuing national sexual abuse scandal, with the shortage of priests becoming critical, with an empty seminary, and priestless parishes a reality or a looming threat, this Foundation wants me to spend $29.95 to get my very own copy of the Limited First Edition of "Pilgrims of Hope"--a reflection on the 25 years that Bishop Pilla has been in charge.

They sent my husband and me a nice glossy bifold color brochure along with a letter explaining my opportunity to order. Apparently they think that having my "own copy of Pilgrims of Hope will allow [me] to meditate upon its themes of Community, Faith, Responsibility, Justice, Compassion and Hope." I guess God got edged out by the social gospel.

They think that this book is a "fascinating and moving record of our time together" which will be "a source of continuing inspiration." To which I can only respond "Oy vey, please don't remind me!" I think I'll meditate on the heresy in the convents instead. Or maybe I'll spend my cash to get a copy of Donald Cozzens book (He's from Cleveland, you know) on the condition of the seminaries.

H-E-L-L-O Cleveland ?? Anybody home in the chancery?

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