Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Seventeen-year-old Ryan Nutter, a Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary school student in Canada, organized interfaith week for the school and was awarded the Discovering Diversity Award for his efforts. Apparently all religions were treated equally:
The interfaith week he organized with staff support included Buddhist meditation sessions, a movie and an art display commemorating Holocaust victims. Leaders of various faiths spoke to the students.
Morning prayers over the P.A. were led in a different language each day: Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Punjabi and Hindi. Many were amazed to learn that Nutter was the voice behind all five.
"That was just marvellous, and everyone was impressed," teacher Michele Root recalled yesterday. "Ryan is always a growing ... and mature person. He's always turned on and not afraid to be a leader."
Ryan was raised a Protestant. He is posed in the picture that accompanies the article with the zodiac as background. What do they teach the students about Christ in this Catholic secondary school, one wonders.