Friday, September 16, 2005
A recent report at "What Does It Mean":
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Military Leaders of the United States have ordered their Internal Military Forces to redeploy to ‘Ready Position Ophelia’ in anticipation of what Russian Scientists are reporting as an impending cataclysmic event that could potentially devastate the entire United States.
These reports today reconfirm our report of September 6th titled ‘Operation Ophelia’ Begins In United States as Plan for ‘Major Cataclysmic Event’ Put Into Effect, NORTHCOM Assumes Control over Entire Country", and wherein we had stated, "Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Military Leaders of the United States have begun the implementation of what the Americans are calling ‘Operation Ophelia’, and which calls for the dividing of the United States into separate Military Districts under the command of their newly established North American Defense Division of NORTHCOM.
According to these reports ‘Operation Ophelia’ was originated as a strategic plan for the total changing of American society based upon ‘2 or more’ cataclysmic events occurring in their country over a period of 6 months, and as these reports further show these American Military Leaders are now ‘convinced’ are about to occur."
And our August 25th report titled "United States Warns Foreign Governments of ‘Impending’ Internal Crises While Massive American Troop Movements Continue", and wherein we had stated, "Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Military Leaders of the United States have communicated to many of the worlds leaders that a ‘crises’ is about to occur in their country and further warning that any ‘outside’ interference into the internal affairs of the United States will be met with ‘swift and sure’ action.
This unprecedented warning comes at a time when multiple threats are confronting not only the United States, but also the entire world, and which include; 1.) An impending flu pandemic estimated to kill upwards of 1 billion people; 2.) An acceleration of Global Weather Changes destroying up to 20% of this years crops in many Western Nations; 3.) The skyrocketing costs of oil threatening the stability of the Worlds Financial Markets; 4.) The impending crackdown on American citizens and imposition of Martial Law; and 5.) Growing instability in the very core of the Earth itself giving rise to fears of mass earthquakes and volcanic activity on a scale not seen in modern times."
Well, we do have a weather event named "Ophelia," and we did have a movement of troops into NOLA. I guess this is what they mean by "errors in translation".