
Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Mark Shea - in blog titled "Until further notice from God...":

Fourth, God is the judge of the world, not me and not even my most especially holiest readers. Fifth, if I were in the position of people in New Orleans, I would be strongly tempted to give a good swift kick to the Holy Ones whose first thought is not, "How can I help?" but "This is your fault, you know."

Mark Shea in blogs posted last night:

"The Right's Limbaugh Pretzel"

So when you royally screw up, as government did at every level--state, local, and federal--with Katrina...

Both local and state authorities were manifestly corrupt and incompetent boobs.

Words cannot fathom the contempt I feel for the authorities who abused power in this way.

Moreover, it was due, at least in part, to Bush's tendency to value loyalty over competence.

"Our Funny Little Atheist Friends"

Ever fearful of the coming jihad that might be sparked if an American politician says, "God bless America", the shriveled little souls at American Atheists find something to fill up the empty hours of their self-confessedly meaningless existence.

Evangelical atheists are crashing bores. Only their humorlessness saves them from being complete unfunny.

I take it from these quotes that judgmentalism is ok with Mark so long as you are being judgmental about the "right" people. "Right" as determined by Mark Shea.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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