Saturday, September 17, 2005
This was forwarded to me by Justin.
Archangel News
A publication of Archangel Bookstore
1352-A 9th Avenue
San Francisco California, 94122
Eve of September 4th, Feast of the Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses
The Year of Our Lord 2005 (Church Calendar)
Greetings in Jesus Christ!
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce our speaker for Friday (September 10th/23rd), one week from today at 7:30 pm. Lee Penn, a friend of Father Tom, will address us on a relevant issue for Orthodox Christians today.
False Dawn: Understanding the United Religions Initiative
And what is the United Religious Initiative (URI) for Orthodox Christians? Of course, you'll have to come to the talk to discover more,but as Father Seraphim Rose pointed out in Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, we must be very careful to discern between true Orthodoxy and religious syncretism (which amounts to an attempt to "make peace"between two or more fundamentally opposed belief systems.)
Mr. Penn will explain the danger that the URI presents to all who
desire true Orthodoxy. Whereas the URI pretends to unite all religions under a banner of peace and tolerance, in reality it has no place for pure Christian doctrine and will only serve to blur the line demarcating Truth and error. We must neither support the obscuring of truth, nor be ignorant of it.
1 Chronicles 12:32 "And of the children of Issachar, which were men
that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;
the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at
their commandment."
We hope to see you at the lecture.
. . .just an aside: this month is the seventh anniversary of Archangel Bookstore!
May God keep you, by the prayers and protection of the Archangel Michael, and all the honorable bodiless powers of heaven. Amen.