Friday, September 30, 2005
in the religious communities as well as within the diocesan clergy over the ban on homosexuals in the seminary according to this story from the AP.
Priests in religious orders throughout the country said in interviews that anger is building among their members about the prospect of a ban on gay seminarians.
Some have said clergy are considering staging a strike on a Sunday, to show how critical gay priests are to serving the church. Priests who had not disclosed their sexual orientation to parishioners are now thinking about coming out and denouncing the idea of a ban. Others have talked about signing their names to a protest letter to the Vatican.
Estimates of the numbers of gays in the priesthood vary from 25 percent to 50 percent. About one-third of the 42,500 U.S. priests are members of religious orders.
Let's see...the priesthood, more than any other vocation is a vocation of service and self-sacrifice. And it is a vocation of fidelity to the Church. Apparently these priests who want us to accept them have service to self at the top of the list.
The rules were in place all along. They weren't enforced, but we are not looking at a novelty being promulgated. The Church is adhering to the same rules She always advocated. But these priests want to make an issue of the fact that they were admitted to the seminary in opposition to the rules of the Church. They want to go public with the information that they serve in violation of the rules of the Church. Now I ask you, is that smart? Is it sacrificial? Does it serve the good of the Church? No, it isn't any of these things. But going public in some sort of protest does serve the ego of the priest who protests, making it self-evident that the Church is correct in Her judgment that homosexuals should not be admitted to the seminary.
Yeah, I think they should stage this protest. And I think that parishes should keep watch to see if any of their own priests are part of the demonstration, because this is not the action of a celibate dedicated homosexual priest. It is the action of a selfish self-righteous disturber of the peace. When vows are kept, homosexuality is a moot point. It is only in the breaking of vows that the issue of whether they are broken with another male or with a female that sexual preference becomes an important issue.