
Wednesday, August 24, 2005


A reader sent in this item from Spero News:

While it won’t be a World Cup Quidditch match out of a Harry Potter movie, the Witch School Education and Leadership Conference, hosted by the Correllian Nativist Tradition at Trinity Temple in Albany, NY on September 1st through 4th, will draw witches from around the world, both in person and via the internet.

The organizers believe their religion, Wicca, as a faith and practice is being greatly challenged by Christian authorities. According to a press release from the Correllian Nativist Tradition, "These Christian leaders seek every legal means to stop the Wiccan faith from gaining a foothold in the American mainstream. Christian preachers quote 'Never to suffer a Witch to Live' as biblical law."

An expert on religious and educational reporting requirements, Davron Michaels says, "This conference will help pagan educators and leaders to understand what steps they must take to secure their rights under the [U.S.] Constitution. Being proactive in securing our rights requires basic education and networking."


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