Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A brief summary of the article:
The Parents Television Council was founded 10 years ago but became more visible after marshaling complaints when Janet Jackson bared her breast during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.
Hollywood fights back with:
Three major media companies - NBC Universal, Viacom and News Corp. - have launched TV Watch to advocate parental controls and oppose government intervention. This newly minted group, which has brought together an unusual mix of corporations, creative types and conservative, free market proponents, is emerging as the council's adversary in an escalating battle over what's appropriate for the airwaves.
You know how this works...We are going to destroy the morals of the nation, but we'll give you a switch to prevent our perversion from getting into your livingroom as long as you are there to make sure it's in the "on" position.
Of course if your kids happen to be visiting a friend, or shopping in a store with TVs, you won't be there to turn on the switch, will you? And then we can do whatever we want with your kids. And anyway, once we've destroyed the culture, what happens in your livingroom is a moot point. So we've got you, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it because we've played the "freedom" card and now America is on our side.