Saturday, July 16, 2005
Tonight our visiting priest decided to talk about the scandal, and made it clear that he believes we must realize that we all sin and must be forgiven. He focused on the "do not judge" argument as though he thought we had probably not heard it before, and he was giving us the mind of the Church on the scandal for the first time. He told us we must have patience.
It was a good thing that neither Father nor anyone else could read my thoughts. I did manage to stick around for the rest of the Mass, but probably committed at least a venial sin by receiving in such a state of mind.
I'm still waiting for the homily that says "I am horrified to see what my brother priests have done and what our bishops have allowed them to do. It was wrong. It was wrong not to address the concerns of the abused and their families when it happened. It was wrong to sic the lawyers on them as though the victims were the perpetrators. It was wrong to keep them in the ministry where further abuse was possible. It was wrong to inflict them on new parishes with no warning. The ordained have much for which to atone. May God forgive the priests and bishops who have served Him so badly."
If Cardinal Ratzinger could have the courage to say it, those of lesser stature should be able to find it as well.
I have no more patience. I have no more tolerance for incompetence. I have no inclination to forgive until some action is taken by our bishops to indicate real repentence rather than a bunch of cheap pious words and business as usual. I think the time for talk is over and the time for actions is way overdue. Don't talk to me about forgiveness if you want to retain your credibility. I have come to the point of suspecting that those who do preach forgiveness are part of the problem.
When I can rest assured that there are not going to be any more nasty headlines about nasty activities...when I can sense holiness in American bishops...when I can see that once again Christ is held on high, Wiccan ceremonies have been stamped heretical, and Catholic colleges teach Catholicism, then I will entertain forgiveness. Not until.
Finding the 2005 EarthSpirit Rising Conference online sets back the cause for forgiveness another year. Finding Equinox and Solstice ceremonies and a Course in Miracles in a retreat center in my own diocese is disgusting. Clean up your act, Bishops, or accept that you have lost the laity's respect permanently. And until the Bishops get their houses in order, the priests who don't wish to take Cardinal Ratzinger's approach would do well to remain silent.
Lord have mercy!