Thursday, July 14, 2005
A reader sent in this website where you can see a Member of the Imperial Holy Orthodox Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church of All Russia, and of the International Theological University, in Pasedena. Where you can get your Ph.D. and see His Emminence in a variety of vestments and a big smile.
He is also Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Native Americans and President of the College of Bishops of the Mexican National Catholic Church; and Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese and Chief Patriarch of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Church (AKA - Keepers of Creation Church).
He has more titles there on his website. This guy has more entries in his bio than most bishops. There are even some Catholic churches on his list.
He's a member of the Knights of Malta too. I guess his calendar is really full.