Tuesday, June 07, 2005
This man is no small heretic!
Lee devotes Chapter 14 of FALSE DAWN to his activities, opening with "Robert Muller describes himself as a Catholic, 'and considers himself a good one.' Indeed, Muller claims credit for 'three visits by two Popes to the UN' and 'the Assisi meetings of the Pope with religious leaders which I proposed to the Mayor of Assisi.'"
So what does this "good Catholic" believe?
Muller has declared his belief in Hindu astrophysics, and in the Hindu concepts ofKarma, "prana..." and reincarnation....
Muller extols the linguistics and philosophy of the "indigenous People," especially "the remarkable cosmologies of the Mayas [sic], Aztecs, Inkas [sic] and others;" there should be "a global spiritual Department to study the indigenous spiritualities and rituals derived from their intimate relation with nature and Creation." Muller does not acknowledge that the "spiritualities and rituals" of the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas incorporated human sacrifice....
In My Testament to the UN, Muller said, "The tremendous spiritual, cosmic forces remain largely unemployed because very few people turn to them, pray to them." Jesus was one of many "great emissaries of the universe," who brought us messages "from outer-space." Echoing Theosophist author Alice Bailey, he says that meditators become aware of "the outlines, and later the details of the hierarchical Plan."
In 1998, Muller wrote, "It is becoming clear to me, dear God, that You cannot save us. It is us who must save ourselves, your miraculous nature and You, its Creator."
Lee has also quoted a Muller statement in which he asks the Pope for women priests, and the following statement from Muller which Lee says was written in all caps in his book Paradise Earth:
Among the laws to be enforced are laws requiring people to consume less. And just in case you are not enthusiastic about his laws and regulations, Muller has a solution:
Muller says that "all those who hold contrary beliefs" to those favored in the "next phase of evolution" will "disappear." He predicts a hellish destiny for those who balk at political and spiritual globalization: "Those who criticize the UN are anti-evolutionary, blind, self-serving people. Their souls will be parked in a special corral of the universe for having been retarding forces, true aberrations in the evolution and ascent of humanity."
That, fellow Catholics, would be you and me.
And a bit further on Lee writes:
He adds, "If I should ever be proclaimed a saint by the Catholic religion or by the United Religions Organization, I would like to be named or known as: Saint Robert of Mount Rasur."
Then there is this:
Robert Muller's connections with the Theosophical movement are of long standing. Muller wrote the World Core Curriculum, now being taught in 43 Robert Muller Schools around the world. He thinks that this curriculum "should be taught in all schools of Earth," and that it "could serve as a basic framework for a world employment policy" to be promoted by the UN's International Labor Organization. In 1989, Muller won the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education for his work on the curriculum. These schools drew praise in 2002 from former President Carter...
Can we assume that Muller's ego has gone into overdrive? Kind of makes Hitler look benign.
Quoting from the "World Core Curriculum: Foundation", Lee writes:
The current manual for the World Core Curriculum says, "the underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the Teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan Teacher, Djwhal Khul (published by Lucis Publishing Company)...and the Teachings of Morya as given in the Agni Yoga series books.
Lee is not the only one trying to raise the alarm. Enter Gary Kah.
First a bit about Kah from his website:
What Kah has to say about Robert Muller:Gary graduated Magna Cum Laude with three majors: Economics, Business Administration and German. His special focus was in the area of International Marketing and Economics.
After graduating, Gary became the Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the State of Indiana. In this capacity he traveled to more than 20 countries, working hand-in-hand with U.S. Embassies and top government officials in the area of export promotion.
In the mid 1980's, Gary stumbled onto some information about the United States printing a "new currency". After some investigation, he found that many countries around the world had already begun issuing new currencies similar in design. Gary discovered that this coordinated effort was merely a stepping stone toward establishing a single, global unit of exchange--which was to be part of a coming one world government.
In 1987, Gary was invited to join the World Constitution and Parliament Association, one of the organizations involved at the forefront of promoting the world government agenda. During the next 4 years he obtained detailed documents which demonstrate that the move toward a one world government is very real and active. Some of these documents are reproduced in his books. .,..Along with providing an historical overview, Gary's book reports on the most recent developments in the One World movement, including the current effort to unite all of the world's religions through U.N. sponsored initiatives. It exposes the deception of interfaithism, documenting the growing influence of this thinking in Catholic and Protestant circles.
The New Religious Order
Ideally, from the standpoint of New Age planners, unity among religious leaders would eventually reach the point where all of the world's existing religions could be molded into one synthetic whole. However, for this to become possible, spiritual leaders would have to surrender some of their most cherished values and tightly held doctrines. Creating this atmosphere of tolerance and compromise has been Robert Muller's main pursuit.
As the UN's "Prophet of Hope" Muller believes that world unity cannot be achieved without a one-world government and a one-world religion. All of his efforts, be they in politics, education or religion, are therefore geared toward the realization of such an ecumenical world system. His religious goals - like most of his political activities - are in line with the occult mandates of Alice Bailey and Teilhard Chardin.
Although Muller grew up in a Catholic home, he admits that he wasn't inspired to become a "really spiritual person" until years later, when he joined the UN. Nevertheless, he feels that his Catholic upbringing prepared him to accept the New Age worldview which he now holds. ...
As a lifelong Catholic he had been practicing meditation "for years" in the name of Christianity, without realizing the occult origin of this type of meditation. He had been combining eastern mysticism with the teachings of Catholicism. Apparently Muller had become convinced that Roman Catholicism and the pantheistic religions of the East have the same spiritual roots - a conclusion also reached by Teilhard Chardin. ...
Through his associations at the United Nations, Muller, like so many of his colleagues, would eventually come to embrace the teachings of Teilhard Chardin. In fact, it was Secretary-General U Thant who kept telling Muller about Chardin's philosophy. Since Robert Muller continues to serve as the United Nation's leading figure in the area of religious development, we can learn a great deal about the spiritual direction of the UN - and the world - by examining his personal theology more closely.
Kah goes on to explore Muller's personal theology at the website.
Politicos in the pilot's seat of this world government supersonic transport would like all of us to believe that anyone trying to expose them are foolish "conspiracy theorists" who have no credibility. If convincing us of this becomes unrealistic, they will settle for promoting the idea that they are benign "world servers" with no objective but altruism. The reality is somewhat otherwise, as their writings demonstrate. We need to take them seriously, at their word, and recognize what they have planned for the world. We continue to ignore them at our own peril.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!