
Tuesday, June 14, 2005


A reader sent in the link to this story at Free Republic about the latest Cleveland scandal. This time it's only about money. A lot of money. But not about minors being abused by priests. Sadly, that is a welcome relief.

Meanwhile, at noon Mass yesterday I happened to glance around the church and found an awful lot of the pews completely empty. That was only because it's summer and people have things to do, so they went to an early Mass, right......?

We had an interesting homily which I thought was strictly orthodox. It was not typical--more interesting than usual and based in the Scriptures. It was a surprise to look around and find an orthodox Catholic lady near me wearing the look that said "I will grit my teeth and bear it even though this is heretical from the get-go. And I will not even glance in the direction of this priest while he is saying such things." I don't know what her problem was. As I said, the homily sounded strictly orthodox to me. I did note that the church was unusually quiet while he talked.

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