Sunday, June 19, 2005
Dear Friends,
Because the Diocese of Scranton's newspaper, The Catholic Light, does not appear online, I have reproduced below the June 9, 2005 article entitled "Vatican Upholds Suppression of Society of St. John." I have also reproduced the "Official Notice" from the Chancellor which appears on the same page.
The SSJ is currently in violation of all three directives contained in the Official Notice. The SSJ's continued disobedience is a clear sign that the SSJ sodomite cult intends to establish itself as an independent "church" in Latin America, perhaps in Paraguay rather than Argentina.
Pax vobiscum,
Dr. Jeffrey M. Bond
Vatican Upholds Suppression of Society of St. John
The Vatican Congregation for the Clergy has rejected the Society of St. John's appeal of Bishop Joseph F. Martino's decision to suppress the Society.
The Bishop has directed that the members of the suppressed Society may not celebrate the Eucharist at a private residence where they are now located, may not engage in any fundraising activities, and must carry a prominent notice on the website that the Society of St. John is no longer a recognized ecclesial entity of the Roman Catholic Church.
Bishop Martino also reminds the faithful in the Diocese that the Society, because of its suppression, can no longer function as a public clerical association.
[That is only a portion of the article for copyright reasons - ct]
Official Notice
The recourse sought by the Society of St. John against Bishop Joseph F. Martino's November 19, 2004 Decree of Suppression has been rejected by the Vatican Congregation of the Clergy.
In view of this decision, the faithful are advised that Bishop Martino has issued the following directives to those who were members of the now extinguished public association:
- in view of no. 108 of the Instruction Redemptionis sacramentum, the priests of the extinguished Society may not celebrate the Eucharist at a private residence;
- the priests are strictly prohibited from any involvement in fund-raising activities for any pious purpose whatsoever;
- the website must carry a prominent notice that the Society of St. John is no longer a recognized ecclesial entity of the Roman Catholic Church.
James B. Earley
Diocese of Scranton