
Friday, June 03, 2005


It's interesting to note from John Allen's commentary on the first 45 days of the new Papacy that the Pope has offered negative comments on only two occasions, and both of them concern boundary issues in relation to doctrine:

In his May 7 homily on the occasion of taking possession of the Cathedral of St. John Lateran, Pope Benedict rejected the thesis advanced by some theologians that there is a "pneumatic revelation" of the Holy Spirit alongside that of Christ, a concept usually invoked to argue that the sacred literature of other religions can also be considered "revelation."
"The Holy Spirit does not provide anything different or anything beyond Christ," the pope said.

In an address to Roman clergy on May 13, Benedict rejected the view that non-Christians ought to be "left in peace," that is, not made the object of Christian evangelization, out of respect for the authenticity of their beliefs.
"But how can this be realized if … the true authenticity of every person is found in communion with Christ and not without him?" the pope asked. "Isn't it our duty to offer them this essential reality?"

If these are any indication, it would seem that he is going to set limits on what can be incorporated into our doctrine. Sorely needed and most welcome teaching from the highest office.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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