Monday, June 06, 2005
Hannah Newman warns the Jewish people what they have to fear in New Age teachings:
"Who's worried about a lunatic fringe group?" As you will see later, Alice Bailey was one of the most antisemitic occultists of this century. For those who insist that Bailey's doctrine is safely marginalized among obscure occultists, it will come as a shock to discover that she was indirectly awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, and that her teachings are already incorporated in schools around the world, including U.S. public schools (via the "Goals 2000" program). "Lunatic," perhaps. "Fringe"? No longer. Especially not with global star Robert Muller openly promoting her teachings.This time it isn't the "lunatic" Carrie Tomko saying it. It isn't even Harvard educated Lee Penn saying it. This time it is the Jewish Tribal Review making the claims in "Notes from the Author", a prelude to a paper titled THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA by Hannah Newman. But it is the same message. It is the same conspiracy formed in Hell. It is the same Arch Conspirator making a case against the Trinitarian God and the religion of Jesus Christ. It is the same story Lee has uncovered in FALSE DAWN.
How is it that Alice Bailey's ideas have risen to the level of the United Nations? She was clearly anti-Semitic and anti-Christian.
Lee writes in FALSE DAWN:
In a section of THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY written in 1946, Bailey reiterated: "the failure of Christianity can be traced to its Jewish background (emphasised by St. Paul), which made it full of propaganda instead of loving action, which taught the blood sacrifice instead of loving service, and which emphasized the existence of a wrathful God, needing to be placated by death, and which embodied the threats of the Old Testament Jehovah in the Christian teaching of hell fire."
She added, "I have sought--with love and understanding--to point out the faults of the world religions, with their obsolete theologies and their lack of love, and to indicate the evils of Judaism. The present world faiths must return to their early simplicity, and orthodox Judaism, with its deep seated hate, must slowly disappear; all must be changed in preparation for the revelation which Christ will bring. (FALSE DAWN p. 266, quoting from Bailey's THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY, p. 543)
He poses the obvious question on page 269:
There is no evidence whatsoever that any URI leaders share Alice Bailey's anti-Semitic views. Nor have Robert Muller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, or Neale Donald Walsch repeated any of Bailey's diatribes about Judaism; they focus their scorn instead on orthodox, "fundamentalist" Christianity. Nevertheless, in most political and religious discourse since 1945 in Western Europe and North America, any hint of anti-Semitism has usually sufficed to make suspected writers, politicians, or religious leaders--and their avowed followers--outcast. As historian Philip Jenkins has said, "the anti-Semite is denounced in the United States and obliged to keep quiet." It is noteworthy that this social sanction seems not to apply to Alice Bailey, her teachings, and her present-day Theosophist followers. This is not because Bailey's feculent writings are secret. On the contrary. All of the Bailey books remain in print; they are readily available in bookstores, and as a Lucis Trust CD-ROM of all 24 volumes.
Why not indeed! Here is the Lucis Trust website offering Bailey's books.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!