Monday, April 25, 2005
A reader sent in this article at Catholic World News:
It is an unsigned document, consisting of about ten sub-parts, which provides a picture of the situation of the clergy in various countries of the world, particularly Europe, Africa, and North America. We were not told who the author was, but certainly it was someone viewing the Church situation from a privileged vantage point, and very much an insider's one.
The "lack of integrity" of too many priests is put in stark relief: violation of the rules of celibacy, obviously, but not only that; problems tied to money, problems with the use of the faithful's contributions, and problems concerning the confessional as well. One example cited was the case of two young priests, guilty of violating the secrecy of the confessional and for that reason reduced to the lay state for thirty years by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "Time was when the secrecy of the confessional was an impregnable rampart," remarked the aforementioned cardinal. It is likely that this document was the basis for erstwhile-Cardinal Ratzinger's seemingly harsh interventions.
There's more. Cardinal Ratzinger was upset with what he knew, and his words convey the depth of his concern. Pope Benedict knows the truth because he has been dealing with it as it unfolded. It doesn't seem likely that he will ignore it. How will he attempt to heal the damage that has been done? Will he reveal the ugly truth in detail? Will heads finally roll?
One would like to hope this will be the first item on his agenda, considering the size of this particular elephant in the livingroom. If it is not an early item on the agenda, those of us who have been following the unfolding of the scandal will become even more cynical, and speaking for myself, may lose the struggle to hold onto belief in the Church and Her shepherds.
Please God grant that some justice may finally emerge...that some assumption of responsibility will finally take place...that a depth of sorrow will finally be expressed in meaningful ways for the depth of offense against God and His children that has taken place...that the whitewash will finally end...that a way of reconciliation will open and the Church will be cleansed of this foulness.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!