
Sunday, April 24, 2005


is crazy. There's an old saying here that if you don't like the weather wait a little while and it will change.

Last Tuesday when I got impatient with waiting for white smoke and took off to the mall, I didn't need to wear a coat. The sun was out. The stores were hot since most of them didn't have the AC turned on yet. The thermometer registered 81 deg. Summer seemed to be here. Some of the area offices turned on their air.

This morning the sky is gray and filled with blowing snow. The white stuff is on the ground; the trees and bushes have their sprouting leaves covered in it. The garage thermometer registers 29 deg. The furnace has been coming on. The weather report predicts 3 inches, accumulating only on the grass.

Weather is a constant topic of conversation in Northeast Ohio, as it probably is in most other places; but perhaps the conversations here are a little more interesting than elsewhere.

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