
Sunday, April 24, 2005


and probably won't stop until morning. We have little accumulation on my street because the temperature has stayed just warm enough to keep it melting as it comes down.

Spoke to relatives in the Cleveland suburbs today. One has 16 inches on the ground. Another has 5 inches and can't get out of her drive because the street plow sealed off the end of the drive with a wall of wet snow too heavy to lift with a shovel. A third lost electricity around 7 a.m. and didn't get it back until 3:30 p.m. That meant that the house which was registering 65 deg. when she woke up just kept getting colder since the furnace doesn't work without electricity.

Pictures on the evening news show power lines down, and trees blocking streets. The snow is clinging to the blossoms and newly forming leaves, making the package too heavy for the branches. There are accidents blocking roads as well, hampereing snow plows. One poor family has a backyard wedding scheduled for May 4. Three trees are down in their yard, all near enough to the house to possibly have caused minor damage.

As I said, talk about weather can actually be interesting in Northeast Ohio.

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