
Thursday, April 28, 2005


One of last Sunday's readings concerned the various dwelling places in the House of the Lord, and it was the reading that our visiting priest chose to focus on in his homily. He introduced it with this joke...

Two men were standing in St. Peter's gatehouse awaiting the assignment of their living arrangements. One was a preacher and the other was a taxi driver. St. Peter called up the taxi driver first and told him: "Your house is located on Cloud Street, third house from the corner. I hope you enjoy living there."

Wow! thought the preacher. I've seen the houses on Cloud Street. He was just a taxi driver and God is giving him a 30-room mansion. I wonder what He will give me?

St. Peter called up the preacher. "You will need to see St. Thomas in the brick building at the entrance to Tent City. He will show you where your tent is located."

"A tent, St. Peter?" the preacher responded. "I spent my whole life in the service of your boss. Don't I get something better than a tent? You gave a taxi driver a mansion."

"Ah well, you see it's like this," St. Peter responded. "Up here we reward results. When you preached, people fell asleep. When he drove, people prayed."

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