Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Hello Everyone,
Friday's papal funeral will feature thousands of mourners and hundreds
of international dignitaries.
In short, it's an Islamic terrorist's dream.
Consider the amount of damage Islamic terrorists can do with a
well-placed bomb under potentially compromised security.
Consider the boost in morale if such an attack succeeded at the
Vatican, which al-Qaeda has wanted to attack.
We must start praying for the safety of all those attending. Islamic
terrorism must not be allowed to achieve this potential "victory."
Those of you who have blogs, please post this and pass it along to
other bloggers. It is your moral obligation to do so.
I realize that a couple of you don't like me. So what? If you value
your distaste for me over your obligation to protect the innocent, then the heck with you. They matter; your opinion of me doesn't.
Time is short. Start praying now.
Joseph D'Hippolito
I tend to see the same potential that you do, Joseph. Consider the Third Secret that the Vatican released not long ago. It speaks of dead and dying bodies in the streets around the Pope and would seem to be about John Paul II if the interpretation we've been given is accurate.
My husband mentioned last night that he supposed there was tremendous security there that is not visible. However, once before an assassin got through the net. Some prayer cover would certainly be appropriate.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...