Monday, April 18, 2005
to invoke the Holy Spirit for guidance at the Conclave was held this morning at 11:30.
Auxiliary Bishop Martin J. Amos resides in Akron,OH at St. Vincent Parish. The Mass this morning was part of a meeting of priests which had been scheduled before the Pope died. The Bishop's homily was about the need to maintain tradition. He quoted from the writings of G. K. Chesterton as they have been included in John Allen's book All The Pope's Men. It was the first time I have heard him speak, and I liked what I heard.
For 11:30 on a Monday morning and a Mass that was just announced yesterday, there was a surprisingly good turnout. For a change we had enough priests, and no EMs were needed at communion. It was a treat to see all of them on the altar at consecration. It was also a reminder that our future as practicing Catholics will be short-lived if our young men do not answer the call to priesthood. All of the heads were either graying or white. There were no young men. Some of them are already retired. We have a crisis looming.
An unfair assessment perhaps, considering it was mid-morning on Monday, but as usual the men were underrepresented by a noticeable margin. Come on guys! The women can't hold it together without you.