Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Down below a few posts I mentioned an Easter card we received from the Servants of Mary, The Servite Order, a Novena of Masses celebrated at the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows beginning on Easter morning. The card has a picture of clouds a rainbow and a dove with upraised wings. Between the wings are the words "He is Risen". On the inside the same dove appears and the card reads "Let all the world rejoice as the spirit of Christ's resurrection brings it grace and the promise of eternal life. Happy Easter." There is no Easter symbol and no Christ symbol. The dove normally represents the Holy Spirit.
Decided to see what would turn up if I Googled "spirit of the Resurrection." These websites, among many others turned up:
http://www.cptryon.org/cpexams/bossilkov/gen.html A Passionist website dedicated to Eugene Bossilkov, C.P., Martyr. It uses the phrase "The Spirit of Resurrection" as a subheading. The site appears to be Catholic.
http://www.nccg.org/154.html Not Catholic, but certainly it can have a Christian interpretation. It uses the KJV for Scripture quotes.
Then there is this website:
http://www.ascendedmasters.ac/resurrec.html Leaves little room for doubt. This one is not Catholic, not Christian either. Pure New Age "Spirit of the Resurrection."
As they say, not everyone who says Lord, Lord...